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In Bed with Nuda is a series of interviews featuring creative individuals. Like the name hints, each interview presents a close and friendly dialogue. It’s just like cuddling up in your blanket on a frosty day, making you feel at home, no matter where you might be.

This autumn, Nuda hosted Kate, the operational director for lifestyle media Pike and creator of "Book Club No. 176". She journeyed from a teenage exploration of sexuality with push-up bras to a phase of self-acceptance and bralessness. Her first bra in five years is a piece from Nuda. How does Kate feel about it? Discover her thoughts below.
Kat, could you tell us about your work? How do you develop personally, and what are your mission and values?
— Though I often feel like the many-armed Shiva, I've recently concentrated on two projects. I serve as the operational director for the lifestyle media “Pike”, and I'm advancing my own project, the "Book club №176", which has already made its mark in Tbilisi, Yerevan, and Moscow.
To me, growth equates to life. My go-to tools for personal development and exploration include reading, psychotherapy, quality time with myself, meditation, and mindful communication with people and the world around me.

Regarding my values and mission, I'm primarily driven by beauty, family, and love.
Do you have any secrets on how to personalize your living space?
— Currently, I don't have a permanent home. I'm living out of a suitcase and constantly moving. There are five key things that help me feel at home in a new place:

  1. order and cleanliness, minimum visual noise;
  2. starched and crisp bed linen;
  3. beautiful dishes and home textiles;
  4. the smell of home and incense, to be greeted by a pleasant smell;
  5. point warm lighting: lamps, candles, lanterns.

And, of course, a bookshelf))
Who and what inspire you the most?
— Today, I feel particularly inspired by my girlfriends and my mother. One friend is bravely following her heart and relocating to Buenos Aires, another has overcome her fears and resistance to study psychology, and the third has managed to escape co-dependent relationships and start a new life. My mother is my main source of inspiration, embodying unconditional and universal love. She is my merciful and forgiving guide in life.
Do you wear underwear? Which type is perfect for you? Should it prioritize comfort, aesthetics, or both?
— To be honest, a bra from Nuda is the first one I've added to my wardrobe in the last five years. During my teenage years, I wore push-up bras, but after working on self-acceptance, I sought complete freedom in this area. For a long time, I only wanted comfort and chose seamless, monotone, flesh-colored underwear. This year, I've been irresistibly drawn to silk, leopard print, and lace. I'm embracing everything sexy, bright, and provocative.
How do you feel wearing Nuda lingerie?
— Nuda’s underwear appears to perfectly combine comfort, aesthetics, and convenience, which makes me feel wonderful.
Which movie heroine do you envision yourself as?
— Oh, can I be Jane Birkin from Jacques Deray's "The Swimming Pool"? Imagine school holidays, the azure coast, a perfect villa, and the scorching sun.
kate's choice