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In Bed with Nuda is a collection of interviews with creative souls, whom you may or may not know, but who are everywhere around. Nuda's goal is to make them the main protagonists of her story.

In August, Nuda hosted Diana, a stylist and owner of the concept showroom ZONA in Tbilisi. She sees clothing as a way of self-expression and believes that feeling good about yourself starts from little things (such as beautiful underwear).

Find out below why Diana enjoys wearing Nuda lingerie.
Diana, how do you see your mission in life?
— Six years ago, I left Russia, quit my job, and started working on my own projects. Currently, my main focus is clothing, as I am a stylist and owner of the concept showroom ZONA.

I haven't figured out my mission yet, but I try to enjoy life, be present in the moment, do good deeds, and support those whom I like. Working with clothing and people often involves providing support, assistance, and working with a person's self-esteem (sometimes even my own, which is the case now).

As an introvert, clothing is a way of expressing myself. Through an outfit, one can convey any emotion or message, making it the simplest and most accessible form of communication. That's why clothing is so important to me.

Apart from clothing, I draw and create all sorts of things. After overcoming my fear of running out of money and returning to creativity, I want to immerse myself more and more in different creative projects.
How did you start your own project? What inspired you?
— The name of the project is inspired by the novel "Roadside Picnic" by the Strugatsky brothers. Perhaps you remember the Zone, where anything was possible and characters strived to travel there.

For me, the state of the ZONA reflects the state of my mind, my life, and everything else. Starting this project was not easy for me, as the store had been around for over 5 years and I had to put it in the red for myself several times during that period. It's about freedom, primarily my own.

This is my first independent project, and I have a strong connection to it. ZONA started with items brought over from London - everything from last sizes of no longer existing English chain stores to vintage dishes from a Car Boot Sale.

The previous space was small, only about 30 square meters, but we managed to hold 2 art exhibitions and 1 exhibition of photographs of cells affected by various human diseases on its territory. We have been in the current space, which is much larger, for 3 years now.
How do you express yourself in ZONA?
— To me, ZONA represents endless possibilities. It gives the chance to dress beautifully on any budget, show creativity, and be heard. I love that I can support others, as I once lacked support myself.

We collaborate with designers from all over the world to sell vintage and retro semi-luxury and luxury items, as well as regular vintage pieces, dishes, art, interior decorations, and much more. Some items wait for years to find their perfect owner, and when that miracle happens, they are no longer lonely.

Since July, we have been collaborating with the "Metaphysics" project, which has taken our project to a whole new level. We now feature brands such as Damir Doma, Lost&Found, partially Carven from the 2008 collection, and Muttonhead, a Canadian brand. We also have avant-garde brands with unique fabrics available in limited quantities, such as Aviatic, Sultanwash, and others.
What are your hobbies?
— So lately, I've been feeling like I'm not as creative as I used to be. I've been focusing more on the business side of things. But I'm passionate about drawing. I even had an exhibition in Tbilisi.

I also create some pretty unique clothes and accessories. Some of them I wear myself and the others I save for photoshoots. It's just a hobby of mine that feeds my soul. Besides running my store, I also work as a stylist. It's another way for me to be creative, but with a commercial twist. I don't do the boring stuff like sorting through someone's wardrobe or going shopping with clients though.
Who or what gets you going?
— I get inspired by creative folks and fresh projects. I admire people who are strong and daring enough to go against the flow and still don't give up. But I can't name any specific role models.

Currently, I am my own source of motivation. It's only now that I'm starting to discover myself, listen to myself, love myself, take care of myself, and accept myself. In the past, I felt like life was just passing me by. But now, everything's in my hands and I'm really digging it.

Participating in your shoot is also a big leap for me. I'm learning to embrace myself, be present in the moment, and live life to the fullest in the body that I love.
I'm also inspired by life itself and how precious it is. It's amazing how much a person can go through and still handle it all like a boss.
What makes you want to create something new? How could you describe the moment when you suddenly get a creative burst?
— My laziness is both my enemy and my motivator. I don't compare myself to others and their successes because we all move at our own pace. But I do know that I'm capable of so much more and that's what drives me forward. Sometimes I struggle to praise myself or feel proud of my accomplishments, but I'm working on it.

Inspiration can come from anywhere and at any time. It's spontaneous. I try to absorb as much as I can from the world around me and develop my own perspective.

Music is my jam, and I can't stand silence. Movies, visual arts, and fashion are also huge sources of inspiration for me. All of this stuff gets my creative juices flowing. In reality, everything has already been done before, so it's up to us to make it uniquely ours. One thing that recently inspired me was the movie Suburbia (1984) about a group of nonconformist young people in Los Angeles. The story itself isn't new, but I loved the styling without any styling.

I go through phases of hyperactivity when I'm brimming with ideas and energy, and then I’m static. If I have enough motivation and drive, I can turn an idea into a reality, but sometimes I can't. I have tons of ideas, but if I haven't made any progress within a month, then I know it's time to move on to something else.
What are you scared of and how do you deal with it?
— For me, the biggest fear is when things aren't perfect. I've always been a pretty black and white kind of person — there's no gray area. Life has thrown some curveballs my way, but I've always managed to stay strong. Even when I became a Buddhist, it was tough to let go of that way of thinking.

It's important to face your fears head-on, even when it's uncomfortable. Before, I used to be afraid of discomfort in general, like even talking to myself. But everything changed for me in December 2022 — it was the best birthday gift ever. I faced some serious health issues that fall and went through oncology. It was terrifying, but I knew I wouldn't die. It made me realize how much life can change in a heartbeat. The day before my operation, I told my mom that I felt like I had no one to rely on. She told me I'd be alone for the surgery, alone in the ICU, and that I'd go through it all alone. And she was right. But I found a new kind of support — the kind that'll stick with me forever. Now, I've got myself.

During my illness and treatment, my body changed a lot and I gained weight. It's taking some time to get everything back in order, but I'm learning to love and accept myself just the way I am. There's no "perfect" or "ideal".
So, what's your perfect underwear?
— I've got two types of underwear in my collection - the ones I wear every day and the "special occasion" ones. I think that your underwear should always make you feel good. Everyone's different, and it's like an act of self-love - no one else sees it, but everyone can sense it. Feeling good about yourself starts from your underwear.
How do you feel right now in Nuda lingerie?
— I really enjoy being in the present moment. Being here, being myself, experiencing different situations, not always comfortable or pleasant. I just like being in this lingerie as who I am.
What do you think about the colors in Nuda's new collection?
— I love black, it’s my favorite color. But when it comes to non-monochrome shades, I'm all about red, orange, and green. I appreciate that your new collection features open colors, like that bold green. It's not often you see lingerie lines take risks with bopen colors instead of just sticking to neutral tones and skin colors. It takes real guts to pull off those bold colors, and Nuda's got it.
How do you feel wearing Nuda lingerie?
— I really like this set. It has a simple design, but with a unique touch. I like that it's feminine without being too sexual. The color is also great. It makes me feel like a little girl from my paintings or a flower.
diana's choice